Higher initial upfront cost. Prices for a good quality starter eBike start at $2,800 up to $6500+.
Comes partially assembed if purchased OnLine, or fully assembled if purchased from a bicycle shop.
Typical 1 year warranty of the bicycle and 2-3 years on the battery.
Future upgrades limited and can be very costly. Typical systems use proprietary batteries, displays and components locked in by the manufacturer.
You are stuck with the frame and components.
Must be serviced by a dealer representing that specific brand. Most bike shops will only service the brands they sell. Few bike shops will service bikes purchase online.
Lower upfront cost and often gets you a higher quality bicycle than an entry level eBike (better components, more powerful motor and larger battery.
Can be done as a DIY project or fully installed by e-CycleVictoria.
1 year warranty on motor, battery and installation
Upgrades much easier and lower cost supported by a large global ecosystem of suppliers of batteries, displays, chainrings and other components.
System can be moved to another bicycle and reused.
Bicycle can be serviced by any bike mechanic.
If purchased online, must be returned for service unless local arrangements can be made.